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- REFRATTARI e GRES - Grana Media
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- Smalti, colori, cristalline , engobbi in POLVERE, Colorobbia ed altri brand
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- SLA Smalti lucidi apiombici
- SLP smalti lucidi piombici
- Smalti Matt Apiombici
- Smalti Matt Piombici
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- VLA Cristalline Colorate lucide apiombiche
- VLP cristalline colorate lucide piombiche
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- SpainGlaze smalti speciali liquidi
- Colorobbia Art Engobbi liquidi
- Colorobbia Art Engobbi Academy
- COLOROBBIA Art Smalti e Cristalline Liquidi
- Engobbi liquidi bassa temperatura 950°-980°
- Colorobbia Art BLS Bellissimo Glaze PERLATI - Fairy Dust
- Colorobbia Art BLS Bellissimo Glaze - Smalti Colorati
- TERRA BELLA - Smalto speciali liquidi reagenti
- Kit Engobbi
- Colorobbia Art Colori liquidi sottocristallina
- Colorobbia Art Cristalline e Smalti liquidi
- Engobbi EML
- MAYCO smalti, engobbi, colori
- MAYCO Jungle Gems & Crystalites Smalti speciali con Cristalli
- MAYCO Designer Liner Smalti a rilievo
- MAYCO Elements & Elements Chunkies - smalti ad effetto
- MAYCO Stroke & Coat Smalto-Engobbio-Colore
- MAYCO Stroke & Coat - Speckled puntinati
- Smalti Liquidi Mayco Lucidi
- Smalti Liquidi Mayco Opachi
- MAYCO Engobbi Underglazes Fundamentals
- MAYCO Stoneware Glazes
- MAYCO Prodotti Speciali
- Cristalline trasparenti colorate
- Mayco Cristalline neutre e Smalti Bianchi
- Mayco Astro Gem: Colori Engobbi screziati
- MAYCO ez-STROKE Colori Sottocristallina
- MAYCO Stoneware Engobe Alta Temperatura
- BOTZ , smalti, engobbi, colori
- TERRACOLOR Smalti speciali
- JK-CERAMIC Smalti, Engobbi, Engobbi vetrificati, Corteccia, Cobblestone
- Alta Temperatura Smalti e Colori
- BOTZ Colori sottocristallina per alta temperatura
- Engobbi liquidi Alta temperatura 1250°
- SOLARGIL smalti speciali in polvere
- Smalti BLS 1250°-1280°
- MAYCO StoneWare Glazes
- Pigmenti Alta Temperatura (1200°-1400°)
- Colori per Ritocco Ceramico
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- Raku
- Terzo Fuoco - Colori, Ori e Lustri
- Cuerda Seca - smalti e accessori
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- Semilavorati in Biscotto Rosso
- Semilavorati in Biscotto Bianco
- Piastrelle Industriali Bianche
- Piatti Bilancia Disco (senza fori)
- Piatti Bilancia Disco (con fori sul retro)
- Articoli Vari
- Amplificatori per cellulari
- Forme Varie Lavorate con Rilievi
- Bigiotteria in ceramica
- Bottoni in Ceramica
- Animali in biscotto bianco
- Salvadanai in biscotto Bianco
- Articoli Pasquali
- Forme varie, quadrato, rettang., tonde, ovali, bianche
- Articoli Natalizi
- Mezzi in biscotto bianco, Auto, Moto, Aerei...
- Libri, Targhe, Pergamene
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- Piatti e vassoi per la tavola
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- Resine, Gomme Siliconiche, Plastilina, Prodotti Speciali
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- Lavagne, schermi, materiali per corsi
- Posate per manici in ceramica
- Stencil
Riferimento: INDPB
Piastrelle Industriali Bianche
Riferimento: CN550
CN550 Palle Natale leggerissime cm.6/8/10/16
CN550 Palla Natale cm.6/8/10/16 lavorate a colaggio le palle sono escluse di ganci, che vanno richiesti a parte i ganci consigliati sono: sfera cm.6 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.8 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.10 - ganci 14mm/17mm sfera cm.16 - ganci 17mm
Riferimento: TFF1505

MAYCO Stoneware Glazes
Riferimento: Mayco SW-403
Mayco SW-403 White Mudcrack
Mayco Texture - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-178
Mayco SW-178 Fool's Gold
Mayco - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-176
Mayco SW-176 Sandstone
Mayco Cristalli - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-175
Mayco SW-175 Rusted Iron
Mayco Satinato - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
SLF_Pennello speciale per smalti e argille decantate
Pennello americano speciale per stendere smalti in polvere e soprattutto smalti liquidi già pronti, per un ottima stesura senza striature. Ideale anche per argille decantate/sigillate
Riferimento: Mayco SW-404
Mayco SW-404 Black Mudcrack
Mayco Texture - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-405
Mayco SW-405 Light Magma
Mayco Texture - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-406
Mayco SW-406 Dark Magma
Mayco Texture - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-507
Mayco SW-507 bright Green Gloss
Mayco Gloss - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-508
Mayco SW-508 Black Gloss
Mayco Gloss - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-106
Mayco SW-106 Alabaster
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-105
Mayco SW-105 Frost Blue
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-109
Mayco SW-109 Capri Blue
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-135
Mayco SW-135 Wintergreen
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-164
Mayco SW-164 Satin patina
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-172
Mayco SW-172 Macadamia
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-107
Mayco SW-107 Dunes
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-173
Mayco SW-173 Amber Quarz
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-145
Mayco SW-145 Tea Dust
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-174
Mayco SW-174 Leather
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-144
Mayco SW-144 Lava Rock
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-104
Mayco SW-104 Black Walnut
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-111
Mayco SW-111 Wrought Iron
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-137
Mayco SW-137 Storm Gray
Mayco Matt - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-149
Mayco SW-149 Crackle White
Mayco Special - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-250
Mayco SW-250 White Opal
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-205
Mayco SW-205 Coral
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-113
Mayco SW-113 Speckled plum
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-119
Mayco SW-119 Cinnabar
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-134
Mayco SW-134 Eggplant
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-125
Mayco SW-125 Purple mint
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-252
Mayco SW-252 Blue Opal
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-101
Mayco SW-101 Stoned Denim
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-123
Mayco SW-123 Sapphire
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-100
Mayco SW-100 blue surf
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-212
Mayco SW-212 Peacock
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-201
Mayco SW-201 Turquoise
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-167
Mayco SW-167 Sand & Sea
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-108
Mayco SW-108 Green Tea
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-121
Mayco SW-121 Smoke
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-131
Mayco SW-131 Birch
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-110
Mayco SW-110 Oyster
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-127
Mayco SW-127 Olivine
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-204
Mayco SW-204 Amber Topaz
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-122
Mayco SW-122 Maycoshino
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-112
Mayco SW-112 Tiger's Eye
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-203
Mayco SW-203 Root Beer
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-130
Mayco SW-130 Copper Jade
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-129
Mayco SW-129 Copper Float
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-132
Mayco SW-132 Mirror Black
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-133
Mayco SW-133 Copper Ore
Mayco Classic - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-115
Mayco SW-115 Midnight Rain
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-116
Mayco SW-116 Robin's Egg
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-117
Mayco SW-117 Honeycomb
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-118
Mayco SW-118 Sea Salt
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-146
Mayco SW-146 Aurora Green
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-147
Mayco SW-147 Moonscape
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-148
Mayco SW-148 Lime Shower
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-150
Mayco SW-150 Celadon Bloom
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-151
Mayco SW-151 Olive float
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-152
Mayco SW-152 Blue splatterware
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-153
Mayco SW-153 Indigo rain
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-154
Mayco SW-154 Shipwreck
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-155
Mayco SW-155 Winter Wood
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-156
Mayco SW-156 Galaxy
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-170
Mayco SW-170 Blue Hydrangea
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-171
Mayco SW-171 Enchanted forest
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-003
Mayco SW-003 Crackle matte clear
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-401
Mayco SW-401 Light Flux
Mayco Cascade - Smalto conf. 118ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-402
Mayco SW-402 Dark Flux
Mayco Cascade - Smalto conf. 118ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
SF_Pennello speciale per smalti e argille decantate
Pennello americano speciale per stendere smalti in polvere e soprattutto smalti liquidi già pronti, per un ottima stesura senza striature. Ideale anche per argille decantate/sigillate
Riferimento: Mayco SW-001 Trasparente
Mayco SW-001 Trasparente Cristallina
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-002 transparent Matt
Mayco SW-002 Cristallina Matt
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-004 transp Zinc-Free
Mayco SW-004 Cristallina senza Zinco
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-120 Northern Wood
Mayco SW-120 Northern Wood
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-128 Cordovan
Mayco SW-128 Cordovan
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-136 Weathered Blue
Mayco SW-136 Weathered Blue
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-138 Lemon Meringue
Mayco SW-138 Lemon Meringue
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-140 Nero Opaco
Mayco SW-140 Nero Opaco
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-141 Bianco Opaco
Mayco SW-141 Bianco Opaco
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-142 Grey Matt
Mayco SW-142 Grey Matt
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-143 Abalone
Mayco SW-143 Abalone
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-158 Lilac Matt
Mayco SW-158 Lilac Matt
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-161 Yellow Matt
Mayco SW-161 Yellow Matt
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-162 Pink Matt
Mayco SW-162 Pink Matt
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-165 Lavender Mist
Mayco SW-165 Lavender Mist
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-166 Norse Blue
Mayco SW-166 Norse Blue
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-168 Coral Sands
Mayco SW-168 Coral Sands
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-169 Frosted Lemon
Mayco SW-169 Frosted Lemon
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-177 Raspberry Mist
Mayco SW-177 Raspberry Mist
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-205 Coral
Mayco SW-205 Coral
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-207 Chambray
Mayco SW-207 Chambray
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-210 Emerald
Mayco SW-210 Emerald
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-211 Glacier Blu
Mayco SW-211 Glacier Blu
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-251 Pink Opal
Mayco SW-251 Pink Opal
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-253 Green Opal
Mayco SW-253 Green Opal
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-255 Grey Opal
Mayco SW-255 Grey Opal
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-501 White
Mayco SW-501 White
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-502 Yellow
Mayco SW-502 Yellow
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use
Riferimento: Mayco SW-503 Orange
Mayco SW-503 Orange
Mayco Crystal Glazes - Smalto conf. 473ml General Use Use Mayco Stoneware Glazes on any midrange clay body. These glazes are intended for use at cone range 4-6 but are also stable and pleasing at cone 10. Can be used in oxidation, reduction or other alternative atmospheric firing conditions. Always test prior to use