Riferimento: CN550

CN550 Palle Natale leggerissime cm.6/8/10/16

Recensioni: 0

CN550 Palla Natale cm.6/8/10/16 lavorate a colaggio le palle sono escluse di ganci, che vanno richiesti a parte i ganci consigliati sono: sfera cm.6 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.8 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.10 - ganci 14mm/17mm sfera cm.16 - ganci 17mm

Prezzo 2,30 €
In magazzino
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Mayco AC-302 Wax Resist
  • Mayco AC-302 Wax Resist

Mayco AC-302 Wax Resist

Mayco AC-302
Mayco AC-302 Wax Resist ,
produce uno strato protettivo per riservare certe zone o disegni mentre si dipinge.
Si applica su articoli in biscotto o in argilla cruda.
Sparisce durante la cottura.
Confezione da
6,40 €
Tasse incluse


AC-302 Wax Resist

Wax Resist acts to repels glaze from the surface to which it is applied.  As the kiln is fired the wax dissipates, leaving the surface beneath as it was prior to firing. It can be applied to unglazed greenware or bisque or it can be applied over previously applied, unfired color. It can be applied with a brush, sponge or spattered. Each method allows the artist to expand the options in the decorating process.

Available Sizes

  • 2 oz squeeze bottle
  • wide-mouth pint jar
  • 1 gallon jug


Application Recommendations

  • Apply one generous coat of Wax Resist. Even a thin coat will repel color. Once an area is coated with Wax Resist a second coat will not adhere to the previous one; it will bead up on the first coat.
  • Once a coat of Wax Resist is applied it can only be removed by firing.
  • When glaze or color is applied over Wax Resist with an underlying unfired glaze, any “beads” of color remaining on the wax need to be removed prior to firing. These can be removed by gently wiping or pouncing a clean, damp sponge over the waxed areas. Caution: any color left on the wax will adhere to the fired surface.
  • A varied and dramatic effect in the fired finish can be achieved with a sea wool sponge.
  • Mayco recommends the brush or sponge be preconditioned with AC-525 Brush Cleaner to allow easier clean up. Condition the brush by saturating the hairs. Then remove any excess Brush Cleaner before using the Wax Resist.
  • If Wax Resist should dry in the brush it may be removed using mineral spirits.

Helpful Hints

  • A different effect will result when the beads are allowed to remain during the firing. This option can be used to advantage with some techniques.
  • During the firing process there is additional smoke that will be given off as the wax is burned off. Allow extra ventilation of the kiln during the early part of the firing to remove these fumes and gases.
  • Remember that because the wax repels the color it can fall off the ware and could land on an adjacent piece. Allow extra room when loading the kiln.
  • This product has a tendency to chip when trying to sgraffito through it.
  • Wax Resist will only repel color during application. A glaze applied too heavily may run during the firing and Wax Resist will not keep it from moving onto an area.
  • Dramatic Batik effects can be achieved by layering the Wax Resist between coats of color or simply by using Wax Resist as an aid to keep color off an area while painting.

Product Label Directions

Waterbased coating to prevent color from adhering when applied to bisque or greenware Condition brush with Brush Cleaner, AC-525. Apply generous coat to design areas. Clean brush immediately after use. Wax Resist is removed by firing in kiln.

Dettagli del prodotto
Mayco AC-302


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Mayco AC-302 Wax Resist

Mayco AC-302 Wax Resist ,
produce uno strato protettivo per riservare certe zone o disegni mentre si dipinge.
Si applica su articoli in biscotto o in argilla cruda.
Sparisce durante la cottura.
Scrivi la tua recensione
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Recensioni: 0

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