Riferimento: CN550

CN550 Palle Natale leggerissime cm.6/8/10/16

Recensioni: 0

CN550 Palla Natale cm.6/8/10/16 lavorate a colaggio le palle sono escluse di ganci, che vanno richiesti a parte i ganci consigliati sono: sfera cm.6 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.8 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.10 - ganci 14mm/17mm sfera cm.16 - ganci 17mm

Prezzo 2,30 €
In magazzino
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Mayco SG202
  • Mayco SG202
  • Mayco SG202
  • Mayco SG202

Mayco SG-202 White Cobblestone

Mayco SG-202
Mayco SG-202 White Cobblestone ,
si tratta di uno smalto che viene applicato sopra colori o smalti ( liquidi già pronti tipo Stroke e Coat, Crystalities, Foundation...) ,
Il risultato presenta una superficie rialzata con crepe. Applicando lo smalto due volte appaiono screpolature fine , applicandolo tre volte screpolature più grosse.
Confezione da
6,80 €
Tasse incluse


Cobblestone Glaze

cobblestone logoAPseal

Product Features

Application Recommendations

Usage Variations & FAQs


Cobblestone Glazes Available in Black or White

cobblestone bottlesCobblestones create a textured “cobbled” surface when fired. Apply over another glaze and during the firing process, a shattered pattern of raised, irregular chips will emerge. The underlying glaze will appear in the cracks. To create colored Cobblestones, brush Stroke & Coat® glaze of choice over the white Cobblestone and fire.


Cobblestones Palette

Certified AP on-Toxic and Food safe; however not recommended for food surfaces due to surface characteristics.

Product Features

cobblestone w scAdd color with Stroke & Coat®

Apply 1 coat of Stroke & Coat® over Cobblestone  glaze for colorful textural effects.

cobblestone cone6

Cone 6
Cobblestones may also be fired to cone 6 to add a unique look to mid-range fire designs.

cobblestone in design

Animal Skin Texture
Great for replicating skin patterns and textures of reptiles and spotted animals..


Application Recommendations

The following application recommendations are based upon the original product development intent and use for the product. Information on alternative application methods is listed in the section "Usage Variations and FAQ's". To achieve the cracked pattern (pictured above: Apply Cobblestones over any non-toxic glaze. While Cobblestones can be applied over a previously fired glaze the cracked pattern will become more pronounced if applied on an unfired glaze.

  • Shake for 5-6 seconds before use.
  • Dispense glaze onto a palette (tile, plate, etc.) and apply 2 coats with a broad, soft brush, such as a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan Brush.
  • Apply the second coat while the first coat is still damp: do not allow Cobblestone to dry between coats.
  • Pattern break-up is determined by the application direction of the brush stroke. Large break up heavier application, small breakup lighter application.
  • If application is too light the cobblestone will not break up. Reapplying and touching up will not achieve a break up.
  • Fire to shelf cone 06 or higher.


Usage Variations & FAQs

Q: What conditions can influence the performance of Cobblestones?

A: Application thickness, drying time before firing, firing atmosphere and temperature can all affect the fired results you obtain.

Q: Any tips for handling ware with unfired, dried Cobblestones on it?

A: Handle the ware carefully as the dried Cobblestone has a tendency to flake off. Pieces of cobblestone that fall off may be reapplied to the ware using AC-302 Wax Resist If cobblestone flakes off and you reapply cobblestone in that area this area will have a different break up pattern A protective coating of AC-302 Wax Resist can be applied over the cobblestone while the cobblestone is still damp to help alleviate the flaking of the product.

Q: How can I tint Cobblestones?

A: SG-202 White Cobblestone can be tinted with One Stroke or Stroke & Coat. Darker pigment colors work best. Always do a test firing. Too much Stroke & Coat color added will lessen the break up pattern SG-202 White Cobblestone can be made into various colors by applying 1 coat of Stroke and Coat on top of the damp cobblestone (heavy application of S&C can interfere with the break up).

Q: Are there any application situations I should avoid?

A: SG-201 Black Cobblestone will not break up over Matte glazes. If Black Cobblestone is desired on Mattes use SG-202 and apply 1 coat of SC-15 to achieve this effect.


Cobblestones Label

Label Directions

A unique textural glaze which forms a raised rectangular chip-like surface. Amount of product application will influence the final design. Stir Well. Brush of sponge over any glaze. Handle carefully as the dried glaze has a tendency to flake. Fire to shelf cone 06 (999° C). NOTE: Firing temperature, length of fire and number of coats will produce color and surface variations. Do not spray apply without proper personal protective equipment. CONE 6 RESULTS: Turns Glossy

Safety Information:

Cobblestone glazes are have been certified as Non-Toxic, safe for use by artists of all ages when used according to manufacturer’s directionsHowever, they are not recommended for dinnerware due to the durability of the fired glazeSome glazes, regardless of surface texture or porosity of underlying clay body, will be designated as not suitable for dinnerware as the fired glaze surface is not durable and can be impacted by contact with food or liquids. While it may not be harmful, it is certainly not desirableFurther, these glazes exhibit surface textures such as cracks and crevicesWhile the glazed surface may pass lead & cadmium leach tests, and therefore legally considered Food Safe, attempts to adequately clean the textured surface may cause the underlying porous ware to absorb water and fail. Recommended for ornamental use only.

Dettagli del prodotto
Mayco SG-202


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Mayco SG-202 White Cobblestone

Mayco SG-202 White Cobblestone ,
si tratta di uno smalto che viene applicato sopra colori o smalti ( liquidi già pronti tipo Stroke e Coat, Crystalities, Foundation...) ,
Il risultato presenta una superficie rialzata con crepe. Applicando lo smalto due volte appaiono screpolature fine , applicandolo tre volte screpolature più grosse.
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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 5,80 €
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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
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Mayco AC-310 Silkscreen medium

Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 7,50 €
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Riferimento: Mayco SG-201

Mayco SG-201 Black Cobblestone

Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 8,40 €
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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 5,80 €
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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 8,40 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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