Riferimento: CN550

CN550 Palle Natale leggerissime cm.6/8/10/16

Recensioni: 0

CN550 Palla Natale cm.6/8/10/16 lavorate a colaggio le palle sono escluse di ganci, che vanno richiesti a parte i ganci consigliati sono: sfera cm.6 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.8 - ganci 14mm sfera cm.10 - ganci 14mm/17mm sfera cm.16 - ganci 17mm

Prezzo 2,30 €
In magazzino
Tutte le migliori vendite
CC 101 Transparent
  • CC 101 Transparent

CC 101 Transparent craclè

CC 101 Transparent craclè

Smalti e cristalline Craclè,  trasparenti e semitrasparenti, 118ml


coprire il pezzo con lo smalto usando un pennello a ventaglio. Questi smalto possono essere apllicalti anche sopra di un disegno o un motivo. Non immergere più volte.

Dopo la cottura, a volte dopo dei giorni, si creano cavilli o craclè, per evidenziarli si può passare china o altro con un batuffolo di cotone.

5,80 €
Tasse incluse


classic crackle tile


Product Features

Application Recommendations

Usage Variations & FAQs

 Classic Crackles™ palette

Stylish Elegance


Classic Crackles™ add a level of sophistication and dimension to your designs. The “cracked” effect has traditionally been used to create a vintage or antique appeal. Increase complexity by using in combination with other glazes or design work.

Classic Crackles™ are non-toxic, low fire (cone 06) glazes that are designed to "craze"; that is, develop subtle surface cracks in the finished glaze. This cracked effect has traditionally been used on home décor pieces by designers looking to create a vintage or antiqued appeal to their pottery.


General Use

Classic Crackles™ are non-toxic, low fire glazes designed to create crackle patterns during the firing process. Perfect for home décor pieces. To highlight the cracks, after firing wipe an acrylic or ink over the ware and wipe off, allowing the ink to fill the cracks.


Available Sizes

  • 4 oz jar
  • 16 oz wide mouth pint


Product Features

With Designer Liner

The transparency of the Classic Crackles™ allow underlying designs to show through.

In glaze combination

Compatible for use with Stroke & Coat®, Foundations®, Underglazes and more.


Application Recommendations

The following application recommendations are based upon the original product development intent and use for the product. Information on alternative application methods is listed in the section "Usage Variations and FAQ's".

  • Shake well.
  • We recommend a broad, soft brush, such as a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan Brush, to apply the glaze.
  • Apply three coats to properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque.
  • Fire to shelf cone 06.

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Usage Variations & FAQs


Q: Do you have any tips or recommendations for improving the cracking pattern?

A: The "crackle pattern" in the glaze is actually a firing defect called "crazing." Simply put, crazing is occurs when the glaze shrinks more than the body. The tension of the glaze on the body causes the glaze to crack.

In the case of Classic Crackles™ it is our intent to develop a glaze that will not fit an earthenware body. While we design and test for a common cone 06 earthenware body we know body composition can vary. If you having diificulty obatined a crackle pattern one potential issue may be that the glaze "fits" the body too well.

Some things you can try to instigate cracking:

  • As the kiln cools enough to open, remove the ware and expose it to cooler air. The thermal shock may induce cracking.
  • Use a spritz bottle to lightly spray water onto a ware piece as this may also induce cracking.
  • Try a different clay body or source of bisque.
  • Always test to find the best body/glaze combination that gives you ideal results before engaging in mass production.


Q: Can you create designs beneath or on top of Classic Crackles™?

A: Yes, you can do both. Classic Crackles™ are transparent and easily allow designs on the bisque surface to appear through. Glazes such as Stroke & Coat® and Foundations work very well for design work under Classic Crackles™. Use only 1-2 coats of the glaze under to create the design; too much color may prevent the crackle from developing properly. Apply three coats of the crackle glaze and fire to shelf cone 06.

Design work on top of Classic Crackles™ will remain intact after firing as the crackle glaze does not move.


Q: Are Classic Crackles™ overglaze compatible?

A: Overglazes, such as Gold and Mother of Pearl, can be used on Classic Crackles™as can low fire decals.


Q: How can I accentuate and "highlight" the crackle pattern after firing?

A: You can use non fired products or fired products to highlight the crackle pattern.

If you plan to highlight the crackle: handle the glazed ware with gloves or a clean rag to avoid getting dirt in the cracks. Oils from your hand can also prevent the antiquing color from filling in the cracks. While black inks and glaze are commonly chosen, you can chose any color to accent the cracks.

Fired products: you can use any glaze to fill in the cracks. Wipe glaze into the cracks with a clean rag and refire to cone 06.

Non fired products: use acrylics, mineral spirit stains or India ink to stain the cracks. Wipe onto the piece with a clean rag until the cracks are adequately filled in.


Q: Sometimes my bisque will split when using Classic Crackles™. What causes this to happen?

A: Crackle glazes place stress on the ware during firing. To prevent containers, such as vases, from splitting or cracking apart make sure a compatible (not stiff) non-toxic glaze is used to coat the inside of the vase. Compatible Mayco glazes include Foundations, NT-Clear. Allow ample room between pieces in the kiln for air circulation.

Dettagli del prodotto
CC 101 Transparent craclè


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CC 101 Transparent craclè

Smalti e cristalline Craclè,  trasparenti e semitrasparenti, 118ml


coprire il pezzo con lo smalto usando un pennello a ventaglio. Questi smalto possono essere apllicalti anche sopra di un disegno o un motivo. Non immergere più volte.

Dopo la cottura, a volte dopo dei giorni, si creano cavilli o craclè, per evidenziarli si può passare china o altro con un batuffolo di cotone.

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
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Recensioni: 0

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 8,40 €
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Recensioni: 0

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 8,40 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,80 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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Prezzo 6,40 €
In magazzino

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Recensioni: 0

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In magazzino

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